Welcome to Commons4Kids.org!

Donate Address: Commons4Kids, 500 Forrest Dr., Lawrenceburg, KY 40342- see our “Donate 2 Us” page for more info.
My name is Jerry W. Milburn, II and I started Commons4Kids back in 2012 as a way to donate all of my unwanted trading cards to kids.
Long story short- one of the first facilities we donated too called up the local newspaper and the story about us went through the Associated Press and was shared all over the world- which lead to my donation of a couple hundred thousand trading cards literally turned in millions…we stopped counting at 18 million!
I’m a 40 something year old dad of a teenager with a full time job and C4K blew up beyond what I could handle, so in 2021 we made a few changes and no longer accept most sports cards due to the volume we were getting and the interests not really being there by many of the charities we have worked with over the last decade.
I have put my own money, tears, sweat and even blood into C4K and I hope to continue to run this project, in same way, until the day I die…although what we donate has changed over the years- the goal remains the same- be the good I want to see in the world.
I would like to give a personal thank you to the entire #C4KFamily- everyone who has ever worked with us in anyway- you guys are the real folks behind the success of C4K!
The support is greatly appreciated!
Jerry W. Milburn, II